Ann Rose Santoro

Ann Rose Santoro

Ann Rose Santoro has over thirty-five years of teaching experience and five years of experience as an instructional coach in Port Chester, New York. Ann Rose now works full-time for Center for Responsive Schools as an educational consultant and coach. She was trained in the Responsive Classroom approach by some of the original founders, including Chip Wood, Marlynn Clayton, and Ruth Charney, and became a Responsive Classroom consulting teacher in 2010. Ruth Charney’s Teaching Children to Care was transformational for Ann Rose as an educator, and being a Responsive Classroom teacher has been a life-changing experience. Ann Rose was awarded Teacher of the Year in her district, has served as a member of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Teacher Advisory Council, and is an America Achieves Educator Voice Fellow. She holds a bachelor of science in psychology and a master of teaching degree and recently received a doctorate of education in teacher leadership in digital transformation. Ann Rose spends her free time on Cape Cod with her family and on the slopes snowboarding during the winter.